Who We Are
Chosen, Inc. of Wisconsin ("Chosen") is a non-profit fostering and adoption support ministry dedicated to Fostering Forever Families, by living out the Gospel, ensuring every child can grow up in a safe and loving home.
From our co-founders to our volunteers and Board members, we offer a diverse range of experience, talent, and faith to serve the families within our community. Many involved with Chosen have personal connections to fostering and adoption, providing them with deep insight into the unique challenges these families face.
As a Christian ministry, we seek to bring the hope of Jesus into every aspect of Chosen. We offer an open, welcoming environment for all foster, adoptive, and kinship families, inviting them to join us as we journey together in love and support.
Click on the below links to hear inspiring stories of foster and adoptive families and how Chosen is part of their journeys!
Chosen’s Impact: Both in our community and beyond
“We were at the Walk on the Wild Side event today, and I just wanted to share a bit of encouragement with all of you that put in hours, energy, love, prayer, and finances into this event to raise awareness. Our family of 7 walked around the Zoo with our Chosen t-shirts on, and I was approached by 3 different women, throughout our time. Each asked what all of the Chosen shirts were about, and had follow up questions. Each was given a pamphlet from our 7 bags. Each was thanked for taking the time to ask questions. One, wiped away tears, and asked where she could donate. She was there with her adult daughter and a young child, all from Illinois. Her daughter smiled a huge smile and said she was adopted from foster care years ago. She said to pass along her thanks, anonymously, for the work that you are all doing. Thank you from her and from our foster/adoptive family as well, for the prayerful and intentional work being done.”
- Deanna, a Chosen foster-mom (September, 2021)
“I want to thank you for the shoes you recently donated. Shoes continue to be an effective bridge to sharing God’s love while meeting someone’s physical need.
Your support is making a powerful difference in helping our partner missionaries reach people in remote villages throughout Africa. We continue to hear reports of unreached people groups being radically touched by the love of Jesus. The harvest is here and we’re grateful that you have joined us in the great commission.
“This gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14
-Diane Studer, Founder/Executive Director of Soles for Jesus (April 20, 2023)
Click here for Chosen’s Non-Discrimination policy.